The Golden Eagles Continuing History 2023
This Historical Summary was compiled by CAPT Bill Young, USN (Ret). With photo’s and format, assisted by Web Master CAPT J. R. Davis, USN (Ret).

The Continuing Historical Summary covers the period from the Golden Eagles Reunion of 13 to 16 April 2023 at Westin San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas, until the Golden Eagles Reunion of 25 to 28 April 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville River Port Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida.

The 61st annual reunion of the Early and Pioneer Naval Aviators Association (Golden Eagles) was held at the Westin San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, with Board of Governors Meeting, New Member introductions, and Welcome Aboard Reception occurring on Thursday the 13th of April followed by the golf tournament, and the San Antonio Mission and National Museum of the Pacific War tours on Friday the 14th.  On Saturday the 15th of April the General Membership met with Flight photographs followed by the Ladies Luncheon, the Memorial Service, and ending in a formal reception and banquet that evening. The Central Flight sponsored the reunion and 268 members and guests attended.

Group Images

Early Bird

New Members

Spouse Luncheon


Eagles Nest




Bistro Aix Dinner



New Members Introduced by Pilot on 13 April:
Col David F. Underwood, USMC (Ret), Southeast Flight, 22 Mar 2023
CAPT Sterling Gilliam, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 25 Feb 2023
CDR John C. Leslie, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 23 Feb 2023
CAPT Robert Ffield, USN (Ret), Northeast Flight, 06 Feb 2023
CAPT Royal P. Gordon, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 06 Feb 2023
CAPT Joseph Daughtry, USN (Ret), Central Flight, 17 Jan 2023
RDML Thomas A. Cropper, USN (Ret), West Flight, 10 Jan 2023
CAPT John R. Leenhouts, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 01 Oct 2022
CDR J. Richard Brown, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 01 Oct 2022
CDR Gregory R. Peairs, USN (Ret), West Flight, 01 Oct 2022
CAPT Dennis Gillespie, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 16 Sep 2022
RDML James W. Partington, USN (Ret), Central Flight, 15 Aug 2022
VADM Troy M. Shoemaker, USN (Ret), Central Flight, 06 Jun 2022
RDML Richard W. Butler, USN (Ret), Southeast Flight, 13 May 2022
Col Frank G. Wickersham III, USMC (Ret), Northeast Flight, 24 Apr 2022
RADM Bret C. Batchelder, USN (Ret), Central Flight, 16 Apr 2022
CAPT Charles F. Stender, USNR (Ret), West Flight, 2020
VADM Raymond P. Ilg, USN (Ret), West Flight, 2019

2023 Golden Eagles Memorial Service on 15 April:
Col Harry E. Sexton, USMC (Ret), 15 Feb 2023, West Flight, Emeritus Member
Col William H. Huffcut, Jr USMC (Ret), 25 Jan 2023, Southeast Flight, Emeritus Member
CAPT Robert W. Nelson Jr., USN (Ret), 23 Jan 2023, West Flight, Regular Member
RADM John C. Weaver, USN (Ret), 05 Jan 2023, West Flight, Emeritus Member
CAPT Maurice D. Fitzgerald, USN (Ret), 14 Dec 2022, West Flight, Emeritus Member
ADM Richard C. Macke, USN (Ret), 07 Dec 2022, West Flight, Regular Member
CAPT William F. Span, USN (Ret), 29 Nov 2022, Southeast Flight, Emeritus Member
Col Robert Hickerson, USMC (Ret), 18 Sep 2022, Central Flight, Emeritus Member
Col Raymond R. Powell, USMC (Ret) 09 August 2022, West Flight, Emeritus Member
CDR Dean S. Laird, USN (Ret) 10 Aug 2022, West Flight, Emeritus Member
RDML William E. Terry, USN (Ret), 10 Jul 2022, West Flight, Regular Member
RADM Riley D. Mixson, USN (Ret), 27 Apr 2022, West Flight, Regular Member
ADM Ronald J. Zlatoper USN (Ret), 21 Apr 2022, West Flight, Regular Member
Col Fredric T. Watts Jr., USMC (Ret), 15 Dec 2020, Southeast Flight, Emeritus Member

Memorial Service for Golden Eagles Spouses on 15 April:
Faith Campbell, 06 Dec 2022, wife of RADM Jay A. Campbell, USN (Ret)
Claire Leaver Dunn, 07 Nov 2022, wife of VADM Robert F. Dunn USN (Ret)
Diana Lee Richard, 30 Oct 2022, wife of Col Lawrence G. Richard, USMC (Ret)
Maxine Compton, 20 Oct 2022, wife of RADM Bryan W. Compton, USN (Ret)
Annette Taylor, 09 Sep 2022, wife of RADM Jimmie W. Taylor, USN (Ret)
Anne Sapp, 14 Aug 2022, wife of CAPT Denny Sapp, USNR (Ret)
Jane Davis, 01 Aug 2022, widow of CAPT John B. Davis, USN (Ret)
Barbara Partington, 28 Jul 2022, wife of RDML James Partington, USN (Ret)
Joyce Lang, 10 Jul 2022, widow of MajGen Frank C. Lang, USMC (Ret)
Ry Furlong, 26 Jun 2022, wife of RADM Skip Furlong, USN (Ret)
Jane Eilertsen, 03 May 2022, wife of CAPT James T. Eilertsen, USN (Ret)
Margaret Hogan Manning, 17 Apr 2022, wife of CAPT John Manning, USN (Ret)
Phyllis Anne Stender, 01 Apr 2022, wife of CAPT Charles Stender, USN (Ret)

Fair winds and following seas!

Golden Eagles 2023 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Pilot Stalder called the meeting to order at 0930 CDT in San Antonio, TX.

Pilot Stalder led the Members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pilot’s Report: Submitted by LtGen Keith Stalder

  • Thanks to the Flight Deck for assistance and active participation.
  • Thanks to the Flight Leaders.
  • Thanks to the Board members and especially the off going board members for comments, questions, votes, and approvals for transitions.
  • Thanks to committee members for volunteering to do the business of the association.
  • Special thanks to Denny Irelan for outstanding work to publish NOTAMS and Special Notices and to JR Davis for minding our website.
  • It has been a terrific Reunion, many thanks to Central Flight and all who have assisted in this effort.  ~145 GEs and ~270 plus total attendees, a tremendous  showing.
  • A quick request: There are donation jars in the Presidential Suite and on a table in the ready room.  These are separate from the tips we give to the bartenders.  Donations help defray the cost of the reunion.  Thank you for your donations and please give generously.
  • I’ll report on two items of Old Business Board decisions which have been researched, vetted, and voted on by the Board of Governors Email during the preceding year and will be recorded in these minutes.

Chief Pilot’s Comments:  Submitted by RADM Fred Lewis

My observation over the past year of Keith Stalder has been truly impressive and he has done a wonderful job at Pilot.  He’s been challenged with thorny issues, and he has handled everyone with aplomb, a gentlemanly manner, searching out root causes and fixing each one.  He has done an outstanding job!

Co-Pilot’s Report: Submitted by VADM Marty Chanik

Co-Pilot Marty Chanik offered up his thanks to all involved with the reunion, from planning to execution.  I’d also like to say that those on the committees and on the boards, a lot of coordination has taken place and the majority of it has been on Zoom.  Without any exaggeration the board work, the flight deck work and the committee work, Central Flight committee planning teams, involved over 30 Zoom calls, and that’s on the low side of an estimate, and they were all hosted by our Pilot.  That effort involved a tremendous amount of time and so thanks to Shadow for doing that.

Navigator’s Report: Submitted by RADM Matt Moffit
Navigator Matt Moffit presented the minutes of the Members Meeting held on 7 April 2022. The minutes were posted on the web site a month ago for member review and comment. There were several grammatical changes made to the minutes.
The Pilot asked for a motion to approve, which was made and seconded. He then asked for a show of hands to approve.   The minutes were approved.
The Golden Eagle Membership now includes:
194 Regular members
60 Emeritus members and 3 Honorary members
During the year:
15 members were accepted into the Golden Eagles (West: 2, Southeast: 8, Northeast: 2, Central: 3)
14 members (9 Emeritus, 5 Regular) made their Last Take Off
16 members transferred to Emeritus (West: 11, Southeast: 4, Northeast: 1)
13 Golden Eagle Ladies passed away.
There were no resignations.

Radio Officer’s Report: Submitted by LtCol Mike Stortz

This is the final Financial Report of FY 2023. It consists of the following three statements: Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet. Fiscal Year 2023 runs from 1 April 22 to 31 March 23. The accounting basis is cash, and all amounts are rounded to the nearest whole dollar and compared to the results for FY 2022.

Income Statement   FY22   FY23    
Membership Dues/Fees   22,625 21,250    
Wing Emblem Sales  50 150    
Donations 19,700 28,100    
Deposit Account Interest 6 31    
Total Revenue 42,375 49,531    
Philanthropy (NAMF/NMCRS/CGMA) 6,500 6,500    
Tomlinson Award 369 293    
Reunion Support 2,000 5,390    
Donation Pass Thru  24,700 23,100    
Total Disbursements 33,569 35,283    
Operating Expense        
Directory 2,157 1,151    
Golden Eagle Website 346 238    
Printing   1,684    
Postage and Delivery 153 653    
Total Operating Expense 2,655 3,725    
Net Income (Loss 6,156 10,523    
Cash Flow Statement  FY22 FY23    
Beginning Balance 64,105 70,261    
Cash flow from operating activities        
Net Income 6,156 10,523    
Investing Additions   (65,000)    
Net cash from operating activities 6,156 (54,477)    
Cash flow from investing activities        
Saving Account liquidations (additions)  21,176      
Money Market Account liquidations (additions) (21,176)      
CD Account liquidations (additions)        
Net cash from investing activities 0 0    
Ending Balance 70,261 15,784    
Balance Sheet FY22 FY23    
Cash & Equivalents        
Checking Account 70,261 15,784    
Savings Account 21,136 0    
Money Market Account   86,418    
CD Account  22,279 22,597    
Inventory – GE Wings 5,850 4,950    
Total Assets 119,527 129,749    
Liabilities & Net Worth        
Current Liabilities 0 0    
Net Worth  119,527 129,749    
Total Liabilities & Net Worth 119,527 129,749    


  • There was a $10K earmark from a previous fiscal year donation that was disbursed to Central Flight for support of the 2023 reunion. In addition to the customary pledge of $10K from the treasury, there is an earmark of $5K for SE, W and NE Flights to support upcoming reunion activities. This stems from a generous donation this fiscal year and Central Flight has already received its $5K disbursement of the donation funds.
  • There is a notable increase in operating expenses due to inflation.
  • The asset values on the Balance Sheet include reinvested dividends of $282 for short-term funds and $318 for long-term funds.
  • Notable Changes in Investing Activities:
    • Better yield on Deposit Account
    • Short Term: Closed Savings Account and transferred funds to a new Money Market Account for a better rate.
    • Long Term: Rolled over existing CD early (without penalty) to a shorter term with higher yield.                                      
Summary of Yields:   Old    New  
Checking Account 0.01% 0 to $9,999 0.35%  
10K to $24,999      0.40%  
25K and over     0.45%  
Savings Account      0.25% Closed
Money Market Account   0 to $9,999 0.95%  
10K to $24,999     1.06%  
25K to $49,999      1.10%  
50K and over     1.50%  
CD Account   24 mo @ 0.55%   12 mo @ 4.4% 
  • Investment Strategy

This is a planning outline addressing the balance of funds in Operating, Short- and Long-Term accounts. The goal is to maximize return while minimizing interest rate risk and duration risk. It will take approximately two years to fully implement as the approach to minimizing duration risk is to stagger maturities. The review of the plan, progress toward achieving its goals and any adjustments required will become a part of the Radio Officer’s annual Financial Report. This is the initial outline:

    • Operating Funds: $25,000
    • Investment Funds:
      • Short-Term:  60%
      • Long-Term:  40%

This 7-year historical graph compares Operating Revenue (Total Revenue less Donations) to the combined expenditures. It reflects the change in dues from $50/year to $100/year in 2019 and a corresponding increase in the level of reunion support. It is noteworthy that there is a significant margin of revenue above expenditures; however, two reunions were cancelled due to limitations imposed because of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

This 7-year historical graph of the Balance Sheet (less Inventory) shows the distribution of funds. A significant portion of Operating Funds were transferred to Investing Activities to achieve a better rate of return. There is also an issue in New Business to address investing options and incorporation. This is part of the developing strategic plan to balance Operating, Short- and Long-term assets for a better return.

Other Noteworthy Issues

  • Internal Revenue Service

The annual IRS Form 990-N was filed on 1 April 23. Our revenues remain below the $50K threshold which would otherwise trigger more extensive reporting.

  • Dues Collection Process.

Dues become payable on 1 Jan and are delinquent after 31 Jan. More than 15% of the Regular Members (31) were delinquent in paying dues. The last payment was finally collected on 9 March. There is no real consequence to delinquency and the collection becomes a process of cajoling and reminding thru multiple emails and phone calls. There is an issue in New Business to establish a Late Fee to provide a tangible consequence to delinquency.

  • Investing activities.

Current bank rates are low in comparison to US Treasury instruments, but they are not available to us because we are an unincorporated association. There is an issue before the Board of Governors to consider incorporation to achieve better returns in investing activities.

  • Radio Officer’s Duties (per Constitution & Bylaws)

There is an inconsistency between the itemized duties (Article IV, Section 9) and the current practice in dealing with GE Treasury support of reunion activities. There is an issue in New Business to address this inconsistency.

  • All GE Treasury records for FY23 are digitized. All financial reports after FY20 are digitized. Records prior to FY20 are destroyed.

In Summary
We are in excellent financial shape based on a positive Cash Flow, no Debt and high liquidity with a substantial Capital Base.


Engineer Officer / Historian Report: Presented by Pilot Stalder due to CAPT Bill Young’s absence

The 2022 Continuing History which goes on the Eagles’ Webpage is due in April. A couple of lessons to remember:
•          When compiling the continuing history, it is very important that the formats are compatible to avoid re-typing originals. Particularly avoid using extensive capital letters.
•          There is a summary of each flight’s yearly activities from each flight leader which is included in the continuing history beginning in April and ending in March. This is due in April of each year.

This quarter, with the help of “Size” Sizemore, I have updated The Golden Eagles Chrono MS Excel Sheet by moving approximately 55 members to the LTO file and adding 55 new members’ information to the active file. Unfortunately, this had not been done in several years and took some time. But, with Size’s technical expertise and some perseverance on my part, JR Davis posted the updated Excel sheet on 01 April meeting deadline for the 2023 reunion. This will give me the data to update our chronology history file with all the information that is supplied by our list of biographies.  The updated excel sheet will give our members an opportunity to check their individual data taken from their bios and forward corrections to the Engineer.  This is a living document of our history as members and as an organization!

Which brings me to my final comment: I am missing three biographies from our last two classes and one from 2017. Over the past three months Dave Kunkel and I have sent five completed biographies to JR Davis to be placed on the Webpage. This continues to be our primary concern. All these members have been contacted several times. Two will probably be reported as delinquent on the continuing history.

Nominating Committee Report: Submitted by LtCol Howard DeCastro

Vacating Member       Replacement/Current
Flight Leader – Col Dave Seder                      
BOG - RADM Dave Kunkel                              
MGen Charlie Bolden (one more year)

Col Dave Seder (one more year)
RADM Robert Shumaker
MGen Charlie Bolden (one more year)

Flight Leader – CAPT Jeff Harrison                
BOG – VADM Howie Thorsen                        
VADM Jim McArthur (one more year)
  CAPT Jeff Harrison (one more year)
VADM John Lockard   
VADM Jim McArthur (one more year)
Flight Leader - CAPT Mike Coats  
BOG – VADM Jerry Unruh                         
LtGen Fred McCorkle (one more year) 
  CAPT Dan Gabriel  
CAPT Mike Coats
LtGen Fred McCorkle (one more year)
Flight Leader - CAPT Chuck Schroeder           
BOG – RADM Winston Copeland                   
VADM Brent Bennitt (one more year)

CAPT Rodger Welch
Col Mike Kurth
VADM Brent Bennitt (one more year)

Deputy Webmaster                              
Deputy Executive Assistant                                        
  RDML William Sizemore II and CAPT Kent Ewing
LtCol Robert Knutzen

The pilot asked for volunteers for the Deputy Webmaster and Deputy Executive Assistant.

The Pilot asked for a motion to approve, which was made and seconded. He then asked for a show of hands to approve.   The slate was approved.

2022 Tomlinson Award Presentation: Presented by Pilot Stalder due to Don Boecker’s absence

Art Nalls had the honor to represent the Golden Eagles at Pax River, for the Naval Test Wing Atlantic annual awards on the 15th of March.  There were over 50 people gathered at the newly opened Flight Deck Lounge, adjacent to the BOQ.  The bar had been closed for several years and now back open for business. The FD lounge looks great.

The Master of Ceremonies, Jonathon "Sven" Stevenson, read some notes from previous ceremonies and highlighted the combined statistics of the GE's, such as arrested landings, combat kills, the number of ACE's, astronauts, etc.   He said almost verbatim what Art had planned.

Art added the minimum age for membership is 60, the number of active GE's is fixed at 200, and that the primary emphasis for membership is a reputation within their community for exceptional pilot skills.

It was a very good assembly of pilots, NFO's, flight test engineers, and maintainers. Everyone in the flight test team was represented.  

For the watch engraving purposes, the winner is:

LCDR Jonathan C. Happy, USN

Site Selection Committee Report: Submitted by CAPT Mike Coats

The 2023 Site Selection Committee met via Zoom call on 20 February 2023 to review the status of the 2023 San Antonio, 2024 Jacksonville, and 2025 Coeur d’Alene reunions, and discuss proposed site selections for the 2026 and 2027 reunions.

Central Flight: Mike Coats gave a brief status of the San Antonio Reunion. Molly Dey/AFRI says registrations correspond to our previous reunions; we have a very good turnout this year.

Southeast Flight: Jeff Harrison explained that the agenda for the 24-28 April 2024 reunion in Jacksonville essentially remains the same as the cancelled 2020 reunion. Mike Stortz’ reunion plan has rolled over as much as possible. The contract with the Jacksonville Hyatt Regency Riverfront Hotel is in place, and the Memorial Service will be held at the Hotel.

West Flight: Chuck Schroeder echoed Jeff Harrison’s comments that the planning and agenda for the canceled 2021 reunion in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, has rolled over to the 2025 reunion, scheduled for 23-27 April 2025. The contract with the hotel is in place and the "old" planning team is briefing the "new" planning team.

Northeast Flight: Dave Seder explained that they looked at Annapolis as a possible 2026 reunion site but decided that the Lansdowne Resort looked better. Lansdowne doesn't want to commit until 2024 but Frosty intends to push to obtain a commitment this summer. A hotel location for the Memorial Service is significantly more economical.

Central Flight: Mike Coats suggested that the 2027 Reunion hosted by Central Flight be located once again in Pensacola. Pensacola, the birthplace of Naval Aviation, was the regular Central Flight location for almost 60 years, but it will have been 12 years since the last Pensacola reunion. It was pointed out that the new Director of the National Naval Aviation Museum is Golden Eagle Sterling Gilliam. The Site Selection Committee was in general agreement regarding a 2027 Pensacola Reunion.

Recording of Old Business Board decision:

  • Record the results of the Board decision on the Coast Guard members’ desire for a set Golden Eagle selection ratio.  Don Weiss, the MSC Secretary, and Keith Stalder, the Pilot, were tasked at the April 2022 Board of Governors Meeting (BoG) to examine how USCG nominees are considered and selected. During the intervening months, we have done a great deal of research. BoG tasking from the minutes: "Dave Kunkel started a discussion on the selection process for GE USCG nominees. Currently there are two primary nominee categories, USN and USMC that compete within their own categories. USCG does not have a separate category, but rather competes across those two categories. Considerable discussion ensued on how the selection process currently works and ideas on how it should work regarding USCG nominees. It was decided that the MSC Secretary and Pilot Stalder would create a committee to work the issue, with the MSC Secretary in the lead.”

Restated tasking: Is the current process best for Golden Eagles and equitable for USCG nominees or should the USCG have a separate category, like the USN and USMC?

On 25 October 2022 the BoG decided to maintain the current selection process.

  • Record the results of the Board decision on the Emeritus Project Committee.  A review and decision on the work by a committee that Bill McCamy led, and Gary Van Gysel briefed was directed at the last in person meeting of the BoG. On 9 January 2023 the following recommendations were approved by the BoG:

The Pilot, the MSC Chairman, and MSC Secretary continue to forecast and manage nomination and selection requirements using historical data.

The Pilot, the MSC Chairman, and the MSC Secretary continue to precept the MSC regarding nominee age considerations.

The Pilot and the Flight Leaders continue to identify GEs who, due to mobility or medical issues, may already be contemplating Emeritus transitions, and can be contacted to discuss their desires and plans in that regard.

The Committee’s intent is already being achieved and can be sustained in the future using existing methods.  There is no need to change the Bylaws.

New Business:

  • Membership dues payment late fees.

More than 15% of the Regular Members are late in paying dues and the process of cajoling, reminding, and eventually collecting the dues is very time consuming for the Radio Officer and the Flight Leaders.  We need an incentive / enforcement mechanism to mitigate this.  Propose a Board decision and By Laws change:

1.) A BoG decision was made to permit, at the Radio Officer’s discretion, a $50 late fee for payments 30 days after the date of the annual dues letter.

and to

2.) Amend the By Laws Article IX, Section 1, first sentence to say “Any member who fails to pay annual dues and any late fees within 90 days……”

The Chief Pilot’s guidance: “Exercise compassion and empathy in the accomplishment of the annual dues collection process”.

How this will be implemented:

The Radio Officer will normally assess a late fee after expiration of the deadline by email and / or telephone call. 

If dues and late fee remain unpaid, the Radio Officer may issue a second formal notice to pay.  Any member who fails to pay within 90 days of receipt of this second notice, without reason acceptable to the Pilot, may be dropped from the rolls by vote of the BoG.

The Pilot asked for a motion to approve, which was made and seconded.  He then asked for a show of hands to approve.   The amendment to the Bylaws was approved.

  • Amendment of the Bylaws Article IV, Section 9, item “d”, duties of the Radio Officer.

That section currently reads: “Provide advanced funding to the reunion coordinators for upcoming reunions along with accounting procedures for reunion funds. Advanced funding amounts are to be returned to the Association following completion of the annual reunion.”

In practice, the GE Treasury has pledged to support annual reunion activities at $10K ($2K advance and $8K at the closing of reunion expenses) and has not required “advanced funding amounts” in excess of reunion expenses to be returned. This is done as an incentive to promote good financial management by the Flights and works well.

If monies were returned from the flights to the Treasury, they would be recorded as revenue, thus double counting our revenue, and potentially complicating our IRS reporting requirements. Currently, our revenue is below $50K annually and our reporting requirements are satisfied with the filing of Form 990-N (e-Postcard). Exceeding that threshold requires filing Form 990-EZ which is a 4-page form asking for quite a bit of detail. We do not want to unnecessarily incur that level of detail reporting.

Recommend that the second sentence: “Advanced funding amounts are to be returned to the Association following completion of the annual reunion.” be deleted from the Bylaws.

The Pilot asked for a motion to approve, which was made and seconded.  He then asked for a show of hands to approve.   The amendment to the Bylaws was approved.

  •  Amendment of the Bylaws to allow for the ‘Incorporation’ of The Golden Eagles.

Radio Officer Mike Stortz provided the pros and cons of business incorporation for The Golden Eagles organization.  The discussion identified the significant interest rate and fee advantages for the organization’s finances.  The discussion also touched on the legal ramifications of incorporation for the organization and the officers of the organization.

It was decided the issue would be tabled for a future date so additional research could be done to ensure there were no negative issues for the organization and its leadership.  Radio Officer Mike Stortz will provide additional research on the concerns.

Membership Selection Committee Chairman Report: Submitted by VADM John Mazach

John Mazach opened the briefing with process background.  The MSC looked at 14 USMC candidates and 27 Navy candidates.  Two Coast Guard candidates were also reviewed.  The results of the board were 12 Navy and 4 Marine candidates selected.  The most important issue is the quality of the candidates, so write ups need to focus on that.  The age span of all selectees was 62 to 82 years.  Of the ‘last looks,’ the MSC selected 2 Navy and 1 Marine.

Those selectees were approved by the BoG on Thursday, 13 April 2023.             

Membership Selection Committee Secretary Report: Submitted by RADM Don Weiss

Don Weiss commented that write ups continue to be the most important aspect of the selection process.  The Nominators must focus on flying skills.  There were write ups that didn’t have what was required to get them selected… Write ups are the key to selection in the MSC  process.

Closing remarks:

The Pilot asked the members to be sure to attend to briefing by the Chief of Naval Air Training to follow the members meeting and Flight photos.

The Pilot reminded the members of the Memorial Service that commences at 1500 sharp today and requested that all attendees be seated 10 to 15 minutes beforehand in the Hidalgo Room.

The Pilot thanked all for their attendance and engagement. A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 1014 CDT.

FY 2023 Flight Leader Consolidated Reports: WEST FLIGHT:

Following an exceptional Golden Eagle annual reunion in April 2023 hosted by the Central Flight in San Antonio, Texas, West Flight settled back into our normal routine of events and our support to Golden Eagle Emeritus members and Golden Eagle widows.

In June 2023, several Golden Eagles gathered at the Mount Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial in La Jolla, California to celebrate Golden Eagle, Royce Williams’ plaque dedication ceremony.
In August, West Flight Golden Eagles attended Golden Eagle wife Kay Knutson’s memorial service.  Later in August, many West Flight Golden Eagles participated in Hook 2023 where at Hook 2023’s awards luncheon, Golden Eagle (then) Co-Pilot, VADM Marty ‘Streak’ Chanik was awarded the Tailhook Lifetime Achievement Award.

In October 2023, Golden Eagle Royce Williams, was inducted into International Air & Space Hall of Fame at the San Diego Air and Space Museum.  On October 26, West flight conducted our fall Golden Eagle Mini-Reunion honoring and paying tribute to our 44 shipmates who lost their lives in the USS Oriskany (CV 34) fire on 26 October 1966.

In November, Navy Cross recipient and Golden Eagle CAPT Royce Williams was again honored at a Del Mar Racetrack ceremony where Royce was presented with the prestigious Wright Brothers FAA Master Pilot Certificate by West Flight’s Brent Bennitt.  The Del Mar Racetrack also dedicated the 7th race to Royce where he was escorted to the winner’s circle and received a considerable ovation by the attending crowd.

In February 2024, West Flight participated in the Tailhook’s annual social in Seaport Village, San Diego.  Also in February, West Flight conducted our winter Mini Reunion at the Coronado Yacht Club again, this time celebrating George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays as well as paying tribute to President’s Day and all Presidents who helped make our great nation the finest in the galaxy.  Later in February, West Flight Golden Eagles joined Central Flight’s Golden Eagle Kent Aitcheson for his father’s (former West Flight Golden Eagle Emeritus George Aitcheson) memorial service at the Miramar National Cemetery.  This celebration of life ended with a four-plane FA-18 Super Hornets flyby on-time, on-target in a perfect diamond formation and a flawless missing man pitch-out directly overhead.

Commencing in April 2024, West Flight’s focus has turned to the planning, execution, and hosting of our 2025 Golden Eagle Reunion in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  

During this fiscal year, West Flight welcomed several new Golden Eagles and spouses.  The newest West Flight members are Dick ‘Cossack’ Evert and his spouse Mary, Jim ‘Symo’ Symonds and his spouse Jane McDonald, Greg ‘Rugdance’ Wooldridge, Jon ‘Dog’ Davis and his spouse Carol, and Lew ‘Jumper’ Hoyt and his spouse Nancy. 

Golden Eagle Widows who decided to rejoin our West flight events are Golden Eagles’ Jack Christiansen’s widow Clare Christiansen, Dick Macke’s widow Susie Macke and Chris ‘Boomer’ Wilson’s Widow, Tere Wilson.

Central Flight 2022/2023 Summary of Activities

Central Flight’s focus for 2023 was the planning and execution of the Annual Golden Eagles reunion. Mike Coats led his Central Flight team through a seven month plus planning evolution for the Golden Eagle 2023 Annual Reunion, held in San Antonio, Texas from 12 to 16 April.

Planning for the reunion restarted in 2022 but the location, hotel selection and contracts that were signed and in place for the 2020 reunion (canceled due to Covid restrictions) allowed significant cost reductions for rooms and other hotel events. Standard social events included golf tournament, tours (San Antonio Missions tour or National Museum of the Pacific War), Ladies Luncheon, Memorial Service, and Banquet.

Planning and executing the annual reunion takes a large group of dedicated people and in this case, hours and hours of Zoom meetings with: Keith Stalder (Pilot, Zoom master, knowledge expert, every meeting), Mike Coats (Flight Leader, Nimitz Museum Tour), Don Beaufait (Overall Reunion Coordinator, Ladies Luncheon), Dan Gabriel (Treasurer), David Denton (On site Reunion Coordinator for all events), Jerry Unruh (Ready Room), Duane Thiessen (Welcome Aboard, New Member Introductions), Howard DeCastro (Memorial Service), Jerry Breast (Golf), Fred McCorkle (Banquet, Reception), Jack Zerr (Reunion Swag, Banquet Support), and Molly Day (AFRI, Coordination for the entire reunion). Matt Moffit (Navigator) and Dave Seder (Northeast Flight Leader) provided insights and additional support through the entire Zoom meeting process. Unmentioned are the many Golden Eagles who stepped forward during the reunion to help make the Golden Eagle 2023 Reunion a success.

Central Flight leadership was passed form Mike Coats to Dan Gabriel as the new Flight Leader during the Reunion and Mike Coats became a member of the Board of Governors. The following Golden Eagles joined Central Flight in 2023: Kent Aitcheson “Atch”, USN (Ret); Joe Daughtry “Joe Dog”, USN (Ret); Sterling Gilliam “Sterls”, USN (Ret); David Philman “Deke”, USN (Ret).

The months following the Golden Eagles reunion were uneventful except Phil Wood planned to host a group of Central Flight Golden Eagles (the Northwest Florida Eagles) in Pensacola, Florida for a gathering in January 2024. Finally, Central Flight is responsible for planning and execution of the 2027 Golden Eagles reunion with planning beginning in earnest during late 2024.

Southeast Flight 2022-2023 Summary

The reunion in San Antonio was fantastic. The hotel and surrounding sites were great for singles and especially couples. We said hello to a great group of new guys and spouses, and farewell to 14 Golden eagles and 13 heroic spouses who shared a life of giving and sacrifice.
Southeast Flight immediately set out to plan and execute a Mini reunion at the BEST SPOT possible, right on the beach at One Ocean Resort. Great venue, lots of eating spots within walking distance, and a Fantastic Buffet Banquet for nearly 60 guests some from outside the flight.

Our next challenge was to host the annual reunion in April and Flight Leader Sundance Harrison planned and coordinated multiple planning cells to create a sensational series of events within the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront on the St John’s River. The flight schedule was surrounded by the Ready Room with our own expert in Flight bartenders, and every event either social or business was expertly coordinated under the watch full eye of AFRI expert Molly Dey. We again welcomed our new “Nuggets” into our fold and enjoyed the endless stories and back slapping late into the night.

The solemn Memorial Service attended by nearly 300 folks was a reminder of the strength and determination of those 13 who had Gone West, as well as 10 wonderful spouses. We were blessed to have our Deacon, a retired Navy Commander Strike Fighter Pilot, Luke Memminger speak in the most inspiring way, weaving real life dangers with spiritual blessings. Not an eye was dry.

Shadow said his good byes after a delicious banquet, closed down shop, and the next day we began the planning for this November’s Mini, again at One Ocean 13-14 Nov. Everyone is welcome to take a dip in the ocean at the Hotel beach…might be chilly, but then there is the heated pool!
Next Stop Coeur d’Alene. See you ALL there.

Northeast  Flight Continuing History: April 2022 – May 2023

The past year highlighted the return to normalcy from COVID.  Multiple events occurred during the year, masks pretty much went away and both travel and social events ramped up.  The past year commenced with the outstanding GE Reunion hosted by Central Flight in San Antonio during April and culminated with the equally exceptional SE Flight hosted reunion in Jacksonville. NE Flight gained three new members during the year and four of us went Emeritus. NE Flight is pleased to report that most of our Emeritus members continue to participate in NE Flight events.  A highlight remained NE Flight participation as Honorary Pallbearers for funerals at both Arlington National Cemetery and the US Naval Academy.  We had no funerals at Quantico National Cemetery during the past year.  A goodly group of Northeast Flight GE’s joined Bob Shumaker, family and friends in celebrating Bob’s very special 90th Birthday bash Saturday 13 May 2023.  The Sangria had a kick and the celebration was special.  After being around Bob for an afternoon, several folks were seen surreptitiously looking for the water faucets to find out just what he has been drinking.  We look forward to many more.  Happy Birthday!!

NE Flight picked up our quarterly luncheon schedule with three luncheon get-togethers during the year.  We had an outstanding lunch on the 18 July 2023.  41 NE Flight GE’s and spouses participated.  Charlie Bolden provided insightful and entertaining remarks which made the event a real highlight – and set a high bar for future get-togethers.   We enjoyed another outstanding lunch 13 December. Twenty-four NE Flight GEs and spouses participated. This one was a pre-Christmas holiday gathering which made the event a highlight. We met yet again on 15 March 2024.  22 NE Flight GE’s and spouses participated.  The lunch was a pre-reunion gathering and another real high point. 

Several NE Flight Members were recognized during the past year. Col Ron Gatewood received the Virginia Department of Aviation Lifetime Achievement Award and RADM Michael C. ‘Nasty’ Manazir was selected to be Chairman of the Board of the Tailhook Association.  MajGen Charlie Bolden was recognized at the 13th National Maritime Awards Dinner on 18 April at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

On 23 May 2023 Northeast Flight contracted with the Lansdowne Resort for the 2026 Golden Eagle Reunion 6-13 April 2026 (8-12 primary). 

NE Flight members participated in eight funerals as Honorary Pallbearers.  The opportunity to salute the life and legacies of Golden Eagles who have departed is an extraordinary honor.  Two NE Flight members made their LTO’s.  We were saddened to learn that on Wednesday, 1 November 2023, RADM James “Rookie” ROBB, USN (Ret), made his Last Take Off in Emerald Isle, NC, with his family by his sideWith great regret we received the news that NE Flight member CAPT Robert E. “Gene” TUCKER, USN (Ret), made his Last Take Off on 16 December. Gene was a Mig killer with a Silver Star and DFC. With over 6,000
flight hours and more than 1,200 traps he left a gigantic footprint in the annals of Naval Aviation. Both ‘Rookie’ and Gene had many friends among the Golden Eagles and throughout Naval Aviation.  They will be missed.

During the year three spouses and two widows of NE Flight Golden Eagles passed away.  Several NE Flight members attended the Memorial Service for GE spouse Gay Boecker July 29, 2023:  NE and SE Flight GEs joined RADM Don Boecker, his family and friends to celebrate the life of Don’s wife and soulmate, Gay, at a moving service memorializing a life well lived and their enduring partnership.
Several NE Flight Golden Eagles attended a moving Celebration of Life honoring Loretta Penn, wife of Golden Eagle CAPT Buddie Penn, USN retired, on March 7 2024.  We joined Buddie in sadness and in celebration of a life very well lived. 
NE Flight members attended the ANC Graveside Service in Memory of Margaret Hogan Manning, wife of CAPT John Manning USN retired, 11 September 2023.  Although John is not a member of NE Flight, he participates in many of our events, both socially and as an HPB.
Interment for Amante Carlquist at Arlington National Cemetery is scheduled for 12 June 2024, at 10 AM.
Col Larry ‘Bandit’ Outlaw USMC retired, succeeded Col Dave Seder, USMC retired, as Northeast Flight leader May 9, 2024

  • HPB’s:
    Don Shelton RADM USN retired, ANC: 2 June 2023
    Col Bill Huffcut, USMC retired, ANC: 27 July 2023
    CAPT Ronald F. Moreau, USN retired, ANC: 21 August 2023
    CAPT William C. “Wild Bill” McCamy USN retired, ANC: 8 November 2023
    CAPT William F. Span, USN retired, ANC: 30 November 2023

    ADM Leighton “Snuffy” Smith USN retired, Naval Academy Chapel: 19 April 2024
    CMDR Robert F. Aumack USN Ret, ANC: 29 April 2024
    CAPT Robert ‘Gene’ Tucker USN retired, ANC: 6 May 2024

    New NE Flight Members:
    CAPT Joseph ‘Condo’ Capalbo (and Sue) 15 May 2023
    ADM Sandy ‘Jaws’ Winnefeld (and Mary) 26 May 2023
    CAPT Daniel N. Dixon, (and Becky) 16 Oct 2023

    CAPT Fredrick H. Hauck, USN (Ret), 25 Apr 2023
    MajGen John Cox, USMC (Ret), 13 May 2023
    RADM William Gureck, USN (Ret), 16 May 2023
    RADM Patrick Driscoll, USN (Ret), 22 Jan 2024, Northeast Flight

    RADM James A. Robb, USN (Ret), 01 Nov 2023, Northeast Flight
    CAPT Robert E. Tucker Jr., USN (Ret), 16 Dec 2023, Northeast Flight, Emeritus

    Sharon Ruliffson, 02 Aug 2023, wife of CAPT James H. RULIFFSON, USN (Ret)
    Gay Boecker, 18 Jun 2023, wife of RADM Don BOECKER, USN (Ret)
    Barbara Tuttle, widow of VADM Jerry O. Tuttle passed away 25 August 2023
    Loretta Penn, 27 Feb 2024, wife of CAPT Buddie J. PENN, USN (Ret)
    Amante Carlquist, widow of Golden Eagle CAPT Roger CarlquistUSN (Ret). 20 March 2024