Golden Eagles Summary of History and Accomplishments (1956 to Present)

Founded in 1956, The Early and Pioneer Naval Aviators Association, better known as “The Golden Eagles,” functions as a living memorial to those early Naval Aviators who pioneered and provided the leadership for the development of this unique military aviation force.  Originally, the membership was limited to 100 whose designation as Naval Aviators for the most part was within the first 1,900 who qualified for their wings. Membership was later expanded to include pioneer jet and helicopter pilots and aviators who qualified for carrier landings during the period when the USS Langley (CV-1) was the only airplane carrier. Over the years the membership limitation has been expanded to 200 early pioneers, and although membership qualifications were broadened, qualifications remained highly restrictive. To perpetuate the spirit of the earlier members, selection for membership is made from those who are pioneers in some new aspect of Naval Aviation, or who are respected by their peers as leaders because of their outstanding skills as a pilot, their wide experience, good judgment, personal character, and their dedication to flying.

This historical summary is provided for the support and preservation of Naval Aviation and in honor of the members, their spouses, and other members of their families whose support and sacrifices made Naval Aviation the unique force that it is today. The material provided herein is not a definitive history but is an assembly of individual biographies which cover most of the advancements and milestones of events and accomplishments of Naval Aviation since its beginning. Finally, it is important to recognize that the planning, organization, assembly, editing, and printing of this record was accomplished almost single-handedly by the late Golden Eagle, Captain Jerry M. Zacharias, USN.  For this massive effort all the Golden Eagles are deeply grateful.  Golden Eagle Historians Col Raymond R. Powell USMC, MGen Kenneth W. Weir, USMCR, CAPT John F. Manning, USN, RADM Robert H. Shumaker, USN, CAPT William C. McCamy, USN, and CAPT William D. Young, USN, have continued this effort, with technical assistance provided by RADM David W. Kunkel, USCG and RDML William G. Sizemore II, USN. 

Noteworthy accomplishments of the current Golden Eagle membership include:
• Participants in WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Balkans Conflict, Afghanistan (Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Iraqi Freedom) campaigns.
2 Congressional Space Medal of Honor recipients who were Navy astronauts.
9 Navy Crosses (some with multiple awards), 38 Silver Star awards, 36 Purple Hearts,
227 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 88 Bronze Stars, and 3996 Air Medals.
18 enemy aircraft shot down.
8 former Vietnam Prisoners of War.
12 Navy astronauts who flew in Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Discovery, Challenger, Endeavor, or other space flights.  Of the 7 Apollo missions intended to land on the Moon, 6 were commanded by Golden Eagles.
5 holders of world speed, altitude, distance, endurance, time-to-climb or other aviation records.
1 former Acting Secretary of the Navy, 1 former Vice Chairman of the JCS, 1 former Commandant of the Marine Corps, and 1 former American Ambassador to China.
18 former leaders or members of the Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Team.
67 graduates of the Navy Test Pilot School.
69 graduates of the U. S. Naval Academy.
• Collectively this group represents over 1,494,616 flight hours, 89,235 combat missions, 171,842 carrier arrested landings, and 24,017 rotary wing/VSTOL ship landings.

In addition, for deceased Golden Eagles, 10 were Medal of Honor recipients, 5 were Congressional Space Medal of Honor recipients, and others were awarded 118 Navy Crosses, 119 Silver Stars, 61 Purple Hearts, and 151 Bronze Stars medals.  A total of 44 deceased Golden Eagles were “Fighter Aces” and shot down 427 enemy aircraft.  Also 27 deceased were world record holders, 8 were astronauts, 9 were POWs, 101 were graduates of the Navy Test Pilot School, 10 were former leaders or members of the Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Team and 135 were graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy.

Under Members and Emeritus headings at the top of the home page on the website, 200 individual active members’ and approximately 70 emeritus members’ biographies are maintained in alphabetical order under their last names.